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Principal Message

From time immemorial education has been playing the role of key to all types of development. Hazera-Taju Degree College is a part of both mental and physical flourishment. Since the very beginning of this college, it is struggling hard for maintaining a chaos free academic atmosphere. Not only that, we are always trying to ensure quality education for all the students. 

Since this is the age of globalization, since with the help of technological progress the world has been turned into a global village, we are emphasizing on learning computer and information technology. Our computer lab is spacious enough to accommodate a huge number of students at a time. 

At this moment our total strength of student is 4000. This expression obviously demands the help of information technology. So we are going to introduce web site. With the introduction of a web-site of the college we want to make all our information available to all. I wish every success of the students and all related to the college.

Md. Wahidul Alam
